
December 25, 2011

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Cupcakes!

Hello Readers!
       Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas as much as I did today. I honestly love this time of year not just because of the presents, but because I get to spend time with all of my family doing what we do best... eating a whole lot of food, drinking lots and lots of wine, laughing and enjoying the love felt around the room.
       Everyone and their families has different ways of celebrating this special holiday, some wake up and open their presents first thing in the morning while my family takes a different approach. Weeks before we all plan out what each person will be making to contribute to Christmas dinner and then on Christmas day we all gather at my aunts house for our grand feast. Once everyone has food in their stomachs, the fun begins as we all head over to the Christmas tree, take family photos and then line up one by one to receive our presents from the 'elves' (and by elves I mean my aunts dressed up in elf hats).
       This year, I had the honor of being deemed the task of making dessert. I had the choice to make any dessert I wanted, so I chose cupcakes of course! Since the peppermint cupcakes were such a huge hit with my parents and my brothers I decided to make the same for Christmas but with different designs. It was so hard to choose which ones I should do but with the help of my brothers sharing old Christmas memories with me, the task became simpler. It took me most of the morning/early afternoon to come up with these but I got through it using fondant and a lot of patience!

cupcake tree :)
oh, christmas tree. oh, christmas tree.
candy canes
santa claus is coming to town
gingerbread man
a holly, jolly christmas
rudolph the red nose reindeer

 Well I hope you had fun reading, have a Merry Christmas everyone!

{Eat, Drink & Be Merry}

Irresistibly yours,

December 18, 2011

Getting in the Holiday Spirit

Hello Everybody!
       It's been quite the busy month with Christmas right around the corner. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is busy buying and wrapping presents and with a huge family, there are lots of different items I still need to find for their gifts. But aside form all the business I still managed to find some time to bake, of course! But still couldn't decide what flavor of cupcake to make. So I rummaged through the house thinking I could gather up some inspiration, and nothing.
       It wasn't until I walked passed my Christmas tree, that was decorate with silver and red ornament balls and candy canes, when I realized that I had to bake up some peppermint flavored cupcakes! As soon as the idea hit me I immediately went to my go to recipe book created by Martha Stewart for the recipe. Buy It Here!
       As it was baking the sweet aroma of mint filled the air and my whole family gathered around the kitchen with their mouths watering! After they were done, I took them out of the oven to cool and whipped up a peppermint cream cheese frosting to swirl on top and topped them off with crushed peppermints. Everyone from my father to my younger brothers helped frost and sprinkle the cupcakes, it was a great time to bond. Who knew baking cupcakes would bring my family closer together for another holiday season!

chocolate peppermint cupcakes...

swirled peppermint cream cheese frosting...

& topped with candy cane bits!

{It's beginning to look a lot like MINT-mas!}

Irresistibly yours,

December 11, 2011

Fire up the Oven!

Hey Everyone!
       Haven’t posted in a week but I have so exciting news, another order came in this week for birthday cupcakes! Now these weren’t just any birthday cupcakes, they were a little out of the ordinary, but then again what’s normal in this world? 
       Anyway, my friend was ordering cupcakes for her boyfriend’s 21st birthday and wanted them to be firefighter themed cupcakes but with a twist of Ireland because he is of Irish descent. So after much planning, I came up with these Irish firefighter themed cupcakes--- a mix of chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with vanilla butter cream :) He really enjoyed them and they were a hit with the other firefighters that he shared them with!   

the cupcakes :)
Firefighter Hat
Top of the Firefighter hat
Hoses. Guiness Beer. Flames. Firefighter hat.
       While I was making them, I kept on thinking how at times in our busy lives we forget to thank the people that help keep us safe in the world. So I just wanted to take the time out to thank all those who protect us from harm. From firefighters to police officers and the troops over seas, from the bottom of my heart and the countless others, we all thank you for going out there and putting your lives on the line everyday to help save people. Can't thank you all enough!

{Life's too short, be thankful, and eat cupcakes!}

Irresistibly yours,

November 28, 2011

Aftermath of Black Friday

Hello Readers!
      If anyone really knows me, they know that I am the ultimate shopaholic. I love shopping! (I am literally addicted) So it's only natural that I would love the biggest holiday of the year --- a holiday that is for shopaholics like me --- Black Friday. The day, or should I say early morning, where there are crazy sales, and people go ballistic over discounted electronics and other goods. 
      I have been shopping during every Black Friday since I can remember. If I wasn't waking up on Thanksgiving night and driving to the malls by 12 a.m. by myself, it was usually with my mother (the woman I blame for my shopaholic genes). This year, I got some fabulous deals on champagne colored boots, clothes and cupcake stands! It definitely was a great day for bargains!
      But, my Thanksgiving break from school wasn't just an exciting time for me to sit back, relax, eat and get fat; but it was also a time for me to really prove myself in cake decorating. My housemate Stephanie had invited me to join her and her large Portuguese family at her home for her 22nd birthday.
      Now usually I wouldn't hesitate to go, but I was a little iffy at first because she also asked me to make her a cake. I can confess I've never actually made a cake for people other than my family members but I was definitely ready and up for the challenge.
      During my planning process I wasn't sure how I was going to decorate the cake. I didn't want it to be a plain old cake with flowers and the simple 'Happy Birthday' piped on it, so I decided to think a little more in depth on what Stephanie likes, and something just popped in my head, like one of those light bulbs in cartoons!
      Steph is a strong and genuine person. And after shopping around during Black Friday, I came across her favorite make-up store, Sephora, and it hit me... make a cake that would look like the Sephora shopping bag with make-up spewing out of it on cupcakes. I thought it was such a great idea, and to top it off I would rename the store "Stephora" after her. Now the only thing I had to do was actually make it.
      Now I am a huge procrastinator (which is the worst if you're trying to be a baker). I woke up early Sunday morning--- early as in 4 a.m. baked the cake, and decorated it. And I think it turned our just the way I wanted it to! Let me know what you think!
side view of the cake
little 'Stephora' makeup pieces
top view of the cake

the birthday girl (weird coincidence that she matched it)
 {Another day, another cupcake & another satisfied stomach}

Irresistibly yours,

November 24, 2011

Day of Thanks

      Well it's my favorite holiday of the year (aside from my birthday)... thanksgiving!! I can't tell you how much food I ate today from juicy turkey to all the trimmings; stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn everything you can think of. And to top it off, cheesecake and pumpkin pie with lots and lots of whipped cream for dessert. I guess you can say that I will be on an extreme diet after today.
     Oh! And how could I almost forget to mention that I made cupcakes, of course! Gooey confetti cupcakes with creamy vanilla and chocolate frosting. Last year, I decorated my thanksgiving day cupcakes like a typical 'turkey dinner'. There was turkey, mashed potatoes, pie, and even carrots and corn -- all made from candies and frosting.
     But this year I took a different approach in decorating them. I focused more on 'giving thanks' than anything. So I dressed my cupcakes in little Native American headbands with feathers, pilgrim hats, and even a little roasted turkey. Everyone in my family loved them and I even got my little cousins to help me decorate some, they came up with a cornucopia filled with vegetables, and I must say I think the baking gene runs in the family!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Give Thanks.
My cousins, Nulin & Serina, making their version of a cornucopia!

The finished product.
     So I hope everyone out there reading this had a fantastic thanksgiving filled with lots of food and love, and I hope you were as fortunate as I was to spend it with friends and family.

{Give thanks, love life & be merry}
Irresistibly Yours,

November 12, 2011

Pioneer Pride

Hello readers!
      Today is such a bittersweet day, not only for me but for my boyfriend. We're both seniors at Sacred Heart University, and today marks the day as the last home football game for my boyfriends career. I know I shouldn't be as sad because I wasn't the one out there playing, but I am :( Ever since I was young, I was raised a Dallas Cowboys fan. My father taught me so much about the game, and turned me into a huge football fanatic. One of my huge requirements when looking for a college my senior year of high school, was that the school I would be attending would have to have a football team so that I could go to the games and cheer my school on.
      Anyway, since freshman year at SHU I have been a huge fan of the football team here and dating one of the players just added to my love for the game and the team. Fall is one of my favorite seasons because not only does it mark the start of school but the start of football season. I have been to countless games and been my boyfriend's number one fan, and each year when the season rolls around my electric bill sky rockets because I am baking "good luck goodies" each week before my boyfriend's game. Now there's about 11 to 12 games a season, that's 11 to 12 straight weeks of baking! But I love every second of it!
      So when the last home game of our senior year happened earlier today, it was a such a sad yet happy moment for both of us. Blake (my boyfriend) would step on his home field and play for the last time, and I would put on my "Sacred Heart Football" shirt I made and yell and scream for the pioneers one last time. Sadly, this would also be the last time I baked "good luck goodies" before a game.
      Baking up Blake's favorite, I made a double layered chocolate cake with chocolate frosting in the middle. And decorated it with a SHU Football helmet and football, both made from rice crispy treats, frosted with vanilla frosting, and covered in fondant. I was so proud of my creation, and Blake loved it! It was still such a sad moment, but at least the cake sweetened it up!!
      And here it is.. my senior day creation.
Congrats Blake!
Top of the cake - football helmet & ball.
Last home game!
{Pioneer pride forever}

Irresistibly yours,

October 30, 2011

Baking for Breasts

      Hey everyone! So I really have to admit, I've been slacking on the posts. I mean I say I'm going to post something and think about what I'm going to post, but never get around to doing it, so as of today, I will be dedicating my time and promise to you readers that I will post at least once a week from here on out!
      Anyway, it was quite busy this month for the bakery! While the weather becomes cooler and the leaves change color, the smells of pumpkin spice and cinnamon fill the air. Aside from December, October is one of my favorite months of the year because of the beautiful fall weather and of course, Halloween.
      I love decorating cupcakes with ghouly ghosts and plump pumpkins, but this month I set aside the usual orange frosting for something a little different. After hearing about one of my childhood friend's mother being diagnosed with breast cancer, I decided to 'think pink' and bake for a cause. 
      October is national Breast Cancer Awareness month and what better way to honor close friends and families who have fought this battle with pretty pink cupcakes! I made yummy melt-in-your-mouth chocolate cupcakes, following Hershey's "perfectly chocolate" chocolate cake recipe online. I think they came out fabulous, try it out for yourself, here's the link to the recipe, enjoy!
Here's what I made:

Hope. Fight. Cure.
Breast Cancer Ribbon

{Go and get your cupcake on}

Irresistible yours,

October 1, 2011

How does this thing work again?

Hello Fellow Bloggers, Bakers & Cupcake Lovers!
      So I don't exactly know how to work this thing, or how blogs even work for that matter but I guess this will be a learning experience for me (and for those of you who are reading this.. if you're even out there). 
      Any who, I will be blogging for the next year or so about my baking experiences!  I am a senior at Sacred Heart University this year (sad but I will finally have to face the reality that I am going to have to grow up). So what do I want to be after college? Well after handing over all my money to pay for my tuition at a private university, I’m still unsure! 
      I am a media studies major and Spanish and graphic design minor and since I was young, I always wanted to be a design editor making layouts for magazines, but since my freshman year of college I’d bake cupcakes and cakes for my friends and family, and from this I think I have found my true passion in baking! I hope to one-day own my own cupcakery, I have started a little at home business called Simply Irresistible Cupcakes and am using 'word of mouth' to my advantage as my friends and family are spreading the word about my little cupcake business (if you're reading this, "Like" my page on Facebook!). 
       Anyway, I have been wanting to make a blog for a while now, chronicling my struggles and successes of being an aspiring baker, but I never had the push I needed to start one because I am a HUGE procrastinator, but I mean, better late than never, right? I am using this blog as a part of my senior project as well, so hopefully I won't mess anything up, except for the kitchen of course. I hope this blog will make you smile, laugh, and crave cupcakes! So here it goes, my journey as an aspiring baker :)

Irresistibly Yours,