
November 28, 2011

Aftermath of Black Friday

Hello Readers!
      If anyone really knows me, they know that I am the ultimate shopaholic. I love shopping! (I am literally addicted) So it's only natural that I would love the biggest holiday of the year --- a holiday that is for shopaholics like me --- Black Friday. The day, or should I say early morning, where there are crazy sales, and people go ballistic over discounted electronics and other goods. 
      I have been shopping during every Black Friday since I can remember. If I wasn't waking up on Thanksgiving night and driving to the malls by 12 a.m. by myself, it was usually with my mother (the woman I blame for my shopaholic genes). This year, I got some fabulous deals on champagne colored boots, clothes and cupcake stands! It definitely was a great day for bargains!
      But, my Thanksgiving break from school wasn't just an exciting time for me to sit back, relax, eat and get fat; but it was also a time for me to really prove myself in cake decorating. My housemate Stephanie had invited me to join her and her large Portuguese family at her home for her 22nd birthday.
      Now usually I wouldn't hesitate to go, but I was a little iffy at first because she also asked me to make her a cake. I can confess I've never actually made a cake for people other than my family members but I was definitely ready and up for the challenge.
      During my planning process I wasn't sure how I was going to decorate the cake. I didn't want it to be a plain old cake with flowers and the simple 'Happy Birthday' piped on it, so I decided to think a little more in depth on what Stephanie likes, and something just popped in my head, like one of those light bulbs in cartoons!
      Steph is a strong and genuine person. And after shopping around during Black Friday, I came across her favorite make-up store, Sephora, and it hit me... make a cake that would look like the Sephora shopping bag with make-up spewing out of it on cupcakes. I thought it was such a great idea, and to top it off I would rename the store "Stephora" after her. Now the only thing I had to do was actually make it.
      Now I am a huge procrastinator (which is the worst if you're trying to be a baker). I woke up early Sunday morning--- early as in 4 a.m. baked the cake, and decorated it. And I think it turned our just the way I wanted it to! Let me know what you think!
side view of the cake
little 'Stephora' makeup pieces
top view of the cake

the birthday girl (weird coincidence that she matched it)
 {Another day, another cupcake & another satisfied stomach}

Irresistibly yours,

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