
October 1, 2011

How does this thing work again?

Hello Fellow Bloggers, Bakers & Cupcake Lovers!
      So I don't exactly know how to work this thing, or how blogs even work for that matter but I guess this will be a learning experience for me (and for those of you who are reading this.. if you're even out there). 
      Any who, I will be blogging for the next year or so about my baking experiences!  I am a senior at Sacred Heart University this year (sad but I will finally have to face the reality that I am going to have to grow up). So what do I want to be after college? Well after handing over all my money to pay for my tuition at a private university, I’m still unsure! 
      I am a media studies major and Spanish and graphic design minor and since I was young, I always wanted to be a design editor making layouts for magazines, but since my freshman year of college I’d bake cupcakes and cakes for my friends and family, and from this I think I have found my true passion in baking! I hope to one-day own my own cupcakery, I have started a little at home business called Simply Irresistible Cupcakes and am using 'word of mouth' to my advantage as my friends and family are spreading the word about my little cupcake business (if you're reading this, "Like" my page on Facebook!). 
       Anyway, I have been wanting to make a blog for a while now, chronicling my struggles and successes of being an aspiring baker, but I never had the push I needed to start one because I am a HUGE procrastinator, but I mean, better late than never, right? I am using this blog as a part of my senior project as well, so hopefully I won't mess anything up, except for the kitchen of course. I hope this blog will make you smile, laugh, and crave cupcakes! So here it goes, my journey as an aspiring baker :)

Irresistibly Yours,

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