
February 22, 2012

A very Golden Birthday

Hello readers,
      So today was a very special day because it was my boyfriend's 22nd birthday.. and since he is turning 22 on the 22nd, it will be his GOLDEN birthday! I think I was more excited than he was when I told him, nevertheless, I knew I had to make him a very special birthday cake. Since he absolutely looooves chocolate, it was easy to decide what flavor of cake to make (chocolate fudge, duh!) but I wasn't sure how I was going to decorate it. 
      After thinking about it long and hard, I thought it'd be great to bring back his roots, and celebrate his heritage as he turns 22. I incorporated his Jamaican culture onto it. Blake has a tattoo of the 'lion of judah' on his chest, so I thought it'd be fun to try and make a lion out of fondant! Here is the result..
Happy Birthday Blake!
my little 'lion of judah'

      He loved the cake, but the only problem I had with it was that the fondant was too thin when I placed it over the cake, so there were a lot of bubbles and bumps, not as smooth as I wanted it to be. I also had a little balancing problem with the lion because it was top heavy. Next time, I think I need to use some lollipop sticks or toothpicks for extra support, in order for my fondant figure to stand up better. Other than that the cake was a hit and really fun to make!
      Well that's it for today, and in light of this cake being Jamaican themed, my little quote that I will leave with you today is from Bob Marley...
{Don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright.. with cupcakes!}

Irresistibly yours,

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