
April 23, 2012

Life's a Beach

Hey everyone!
       So today has been very busy. I just finished making an order for a bridal shower, it was beach themed! And the theme couldn't have come at a better time because the weather has been so crappy and cold lately, I needed something to remind me of warm weather.
      Anyway, I had to bake up 50 chocolate cupcakes and decorate them as a beach theme. Usually I would try and design the cupcakes with a more beachy feel, as I have done in the past for birthdays, but this time the occasion was different and since it was for a bridal shower I decided to go a little more elegant with the decorations.
       I swirled on vanilla butter cream frosting and then made little seashells from chocolate. I usually don't like to work with chocolate because everytime I try and make it, it hardens too quickly or doesn't melt enough. But this time I was a little more smart and saved myself the hassle and time, and bought a chocolate melter made by Wilton. And let me tell you this little gem really saved me from the hassle! I followed the directions completely when melting the chocolate then poured them into the seashell molds. After I let the chocolate harden in the fridge I took them out then took a little bit of gold pearl dust, and using a mini brush, I brushed the pearl dust all over the chocolate shells. 
      I then placed them onto the cupcakes and sprinkled some brown sugar and white sugar pearls all over them, making it look like shells on the beach! Here is what they looked like...
beach theme cupcakes
pretty pink seashell  

blue frosting with seashells
 Hope you enjoyed reading, and learned a little more about how to make these little chocolate shells!

{Life's a beach, eat cupcakes!}

Irresistibly Yours,